Pundry Dry Cleaners and Laundromat

Terms Conditions

Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service
Terms and Conditions

Wash-and Fold Laundry Terms
Rest assured, your satisfaction is our first priority. In fact, we treat your laundry as if it were our own, however we still need to agree to some rules to ensure that there are no misunderstandings about Pundry’s (referred to as “we,” “us,” “our”, or “Pundry”) or your obligations. By using our service, you acknowledge and accept the following Terms and Conditions.

Suitability For Laundering 

By using our service, you agree that your clothes are suitable to be washed in water, on a normal cycle, and dried using heat in a tumble dryer. We cannot be responsible for any damage to clothing that is not suitable for this standard laundering process. Similarly, we reserve the right to refuse to service items that we feel will be hazardous to our staff, such as items heavily soiled with human or animal waste. This is for the health and safety of our team.

Damaged Laundry

We will do everything we can to avoid damaging your laundry. Unfortunately there are limitations to what we can do. For example, we don’t have time to check your pockets to see if you have left anything in them. Therefore, we can’t be held responsible if something left in your laundry (like lipstick, chewing gum, or a pen) causes any damage. Similarly, if you call and tell us that you left your favorite bracelet, or anything else, in your pocket, we can’t guarantee that we will find or return it.

All laundering processes, regardless of how gentle, cause normal wear and tear on clothing. As a result, we cannot be responsible for any wear and tear of laundry, including loss of buttons, fading, fatiguing, holes, or abrasions. Similarly, we reserve the right to decline cleaning any particular piece of laundry if we think it will lead to trouble.

Cleaning and drying laundry also creates other risks. We do not individually examine every garment prior to placing it in the laundry. Therefore, if something is “dry-clean only,” or otherwise unsuitable for common washing and drying techniques, please do not include it in the laundry you give to us.

We wash all items together as our standard procedure.  But if you divide your clothes into two separate bags before your pick-up, we can run two separate loads. This incurs a $10 Separate Load Charge. Note that we do not separate clothes according to your instruction, and ask that you do the separation and take responsibility for what’s in each load. Along the same lines, we can’t be held responsible for the re-disposition of colors (aka bleeding) or dimensional changes (aka shrinking or stretching).

Lost Laundry

We would love to be able to inventory every piece of laundry you give us. Unfortunately, it is cost-prohibitive for us to do so. As a result we can’t be held responsible for any lost laundry; we simply have no efficient way of verifying that we actually received any particular piece of laundry in the first place.

Rest assured though, we carefully track your clothes. For instance, we tag all our bundles with your name, and your clothes are never loose in our facility unless they’re inside a machine, on the folding table, or in their own laundry cart waiting to be folded.

If you do believe you are missing something from your delivery, please notify us within 24 hours of receiving your clean clothes — we are much more likely to find misplaced laundry if it is reported early.

Dry Cleaning Terms

Pundry will inventory all dry cleaning items once they arrive at the facility to be cleaned. This inventory is final, and we will track your items carefully to return them to you. However, in the event of loss or damage of dry cleaned items, we will reimburse you up to 10 times the charge per article (for example, a maximum refund would be $20 for a laundered & pressed shirt or $60 for a skirt). Should you find an issue with one of your pieces, please notify us within 24 hours of your delivery.

As with our standard laundry process, Pundry cannot be responsible for wear and tear resulting from cleaning, for very delicate items such as buttons or sequins, or for clothing missing proper care labels.

“Extras” will be charged at the discretion of the dry cleaner, in order to process your garment the best way possible, in increments of $2 or $4 upon delivery to the laundry facility. These charges will be added to your final invoice. Items such as leather require longer turnaround times and could take up to two weeks to be returned.

Unattended Pick-Up And Delivery

If you request that we leave your laundry unattended (e.g., on your porch, in a hallway, or in your foyer) or with a third party (e.g., with a doorman or a neighbor), we are not responsible for your laundry before we have picked it up or after we have dropped it off. You also agree that our records of pick-up and drop-off times are true and accurate.


We use Boulder Brand laundry detergents for all our personal laundry customers and Seventh Generation brand laundry detergents for all our personal laundry customers. Seventh Generation market this detergent as “hypoallergenic.” However, we do wash clothes in shared washing machines where other detergents may have been used, and it is possible that small amounts of other detergents, which may not be hypoallergenic, may not be completely rinsed out of these washing machines. 


As our business changes, we may want to modify some of terms in this agreement. Therefore, we encourage you to check back frequently to familiarize yourself with any changes.

Although we think we are generally agreeable people, we recognize that Pundry and you may have a dispute. In this event, you agree that any legal action pertaining to this agreement, or Pundry generally, shall be conducted in the Courts of the Boulder County.

Also We are not responsible for articles not claimed. Unclaimed garments will be handled in accordance with state regulations

We exercise utmost care in processing articles entrusted to us and use such processes which, in our opinion, are best suited to the nature and condition of each individual article. Nevertheless, we can’t assume responsibility for inherent weaknesses of or defects in materials that are not readily apparent prior to processing. This applies particularly, but not exclusively, to suedes, leathers, silks, satins, double-faced fabrics, vinyls, polyurethanes, etc. Responsibility also is disclaimed for trimmings, buckles, beads, buttons, bells, and sequins.

In Laundering we can’t guarantee against color loss and shrinkage: or against damage to weak and tender fabrics. Differences in count must be reported, and this ticket presented, within 24hours. Unless a list accompanied the bundle, our count must be accepted. The company’s liability with respect to any lost or damaged article shall not exceed 10 times our charge for processing it.

We will not hang dry your clothes for Laundry dry fold and will not take responsibility something happens to these fabrics. Please check your manufacturer’s labels. Most of these items require dry cleaning not washing.

Terms and Conditions of using Pundry App

1. Welcome to the Starchup Platform, Starchup, Inc., doing business as Starchup (“we” or “Starchup” or “Company”), provides a mobile ordering and payment platform and related services (“Services” or “Starchup Services”), and provides and/or enables related mobile applications, software applications, websites, and microsites (“Apps” or “Starchup Apps”), for use by you (“User”) to schedule and make payments for services at physical and/or online points-of-sale (“POS”), among other available functions. Starchup provides access to these Services and Apps, including this App, subject to your acceptance of all of the following Terms and Conditions (“User Terms” or “Agreement”).By accessing, downloading, copying, and/or using a Starchup App, including this App, and/or the Services, you agree to these User Terms. THESE USER TERMS CREATE A BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND STARCHUP, AND INCLUDE AN ARBITRATION CLAUSE UNDER WHICH CERTAIN CLAIMS MAY NOT BE BROUGHT IN COURT OR DECIDED BY A JURY. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY.
2. Starchup User Account
In order to use an App to make payments, and/or engage in any merchant reward Campaigns, you must first register with Starchup, create a Starchup User Account, and associate a valid debit and/or credit card. Your registration and use of a Starchup User Account is subject to these User Terms.
By registering for a Starchup User Account, you agree, represent, and warrant to Starchup, that:
  1. All information provided to Starchup is accurate, current and complete, and that you will maintain and update such information as it changes;
  2. You will maintain the security of your User Account, take responsibility for all activities that occur using your User Account, and accept all risks of unauthorized access resulting from your acts or omissions;
  3. You are of legal age to form a binding contract, or you are over the age of 13 and will use the User Account under the supervision of a parent or guardian who agrees to be bound by these User Terms. The Starchup platform and Apps are not intended for or targeted to, anyone under the age of 13;
  4. You are either a citizen or a legal resident of the United States and that you will use Starchup solely within the United States;
  5. You do not and have never used or maintained any other Starchup User Account under a different email address (the creation of additional User Account(s) shall be considered a violation of this Agreement); and,
  6. Your registration and your use of Starchup and any App is not prohibited by law, and will not be used to engage in, commit, or facilitate any illegal activity.
  7. Your registration and your User Account, including any User Credit or Loyalty Credit associated with such User Account, and your rights under this Agreement, are personal to you and are not transferable by you to any party.
Payment Methods. Starchup enables you to make card-based purchases at participating merchants by linking to your User Account debit, credit, and/or prepaid credit cards issued in the United States bearing the trademarks of MasterCard International Inc. and Visa Inc. (the “Networks”), as well as American Express and Discover (“payment instrument(s)”). You may not associate a Health Savings Account card with your Starchup User Account. Your User Account is not a bank account. Starchup is not a bank, and does not offer banking or money service business (“MSB”) services as those terms are defined by the United States Department of Treasury.
Primary and Secondary Payment Instruments. By linking a payment instrument(s) to your User Account, you represent to Starchup that you are an authorized user of the payment instrument(s). If multiple payment instruments are linked to your User Account, you must designate one linked payment instrument as a primary payment instrument. You may change the designated primary payment instrument associated with your User Account at any time. All payment instruments other than the designated primary payment instrument will be deemed “secondary” payment instruments. You are responsible for ensuring that all payment instruments are at all times current, non-expired, and valid for payments.
Redemption Codes. Users are permitted to redeem one promotion code, coupon code, referral code, or redemption code. Users may redeem a code with a greater amount, but may not use codes in combination.
Test Authorizations. By associating a payment instrument(s) with your Starchup User Account, you consent to Starchup’s temporarily authorizing a charge on that payment instrument, typically for $1.00 or less, as part of our verification process. You will not be required to pay this charge, and it will disappear from your payment instrument statement within a few days.
Termination of User Account. Starchup reserves the right to reject, suspend, or terminate your registration and/or use of a Starchup User Account, and/or your access to the Starchup platform, in the event that you breach any of the Starchup User Terms or any of the representations and warranties made herein.
3. License to Use the Starchup Apps and Websites
Limited License. Starchup grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferrable license, to access, view, download, install, and use this Starchup App(s), and/or any Starchup website content, for the purpose of using the Starchup Services, including the initiation of payment for goods and/or services. Except as expressly permitted by these User Terms, you may not modify, reproduce, distribute, publish, reverse-engineer, create derivative works out of, decompile, deep link, publicly display, or otherwise exploit for any purpose, the Starchup Property, or any portion thereof. You may not remove or alter, or reuse in any manner or for any other purpose, any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices that have been placed on the Starchup Property. You may not collect and use the product listing, pictures, or descriptions within the Starchup Property for any commercial purpose. All rights not expressly granted to you by this Agreement remain the property of Starchup and its licensors.
No Rights to Starchup Property. The Starchup App(s) and website content downloaded or accessed by you pursuant to these User Terms, including without limitation all of the text, images, sound, music, marks, logos, compilations (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly of information) and other content, other than User Content, as defined below, and all software embodied in the Starchup website or Apps, or otherwise used by Starchup to deliver the Starchup Services (collectively, the “Starchup Property”), is the sole property of Starchup and/or of third parties provided under license to Starchup. Starchup reserves all rights in the Starchup Property, including without limitation copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secret rights.
Trademarks. The Starchup platform and Apps may feature the trademarks, service marks, and logos of third parties, and each owner retains all rights in such marks. Any use of such marks, or any others displayed in any App, inures solely to the benefit of their respective owners.
No Illegal Uses. The Starchup Property licensed hereunder shall not be used for any purpose not contemplated by these User Terms, or for any illegal purpose, or to commit or facilitate any act by any person in violation of any law or regulation, and/or any fraud against any person. The Starchup Platform and/or associated Starchup Apps shall not be used for the purpose of accepting or transferring security or payment for loans, providing cash advances, check cashing, or otherwise distributing cash to any person or entity, or in connection with any lottery or gambling activity.
4. Authorization of Payments on the Starchup Platform
Authorization for Starchup to Charge Payment Instrument(s). By linking a payment instrument(s) to your Starchup User Account and using an App to initiate a payment for a purchase at a participating merchant POS, you authorize Starchup to charge your linked payment instrument(s), including the primary and/or any secondary instrument(s), as necessary to complete payment to Starchup for the purchase. Starchup will first submit authorized charges to your designated primary payment instrument. If such charge is rejected or fails, Starchup may charge any secondary payment instrument(s) without advance notice to you.
In the event you are entitled to a reversal, refund, chargeback, or other adjustment associated with a purchase you made using your Starchup User Account, you also authorize a credit to your payment instrument(s) to accomplish that transaction.
All purchases and charges authorized using an App and/or the Starchup Services are also subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the entities that issue your payment instrument(s). You are responsible for complying with those terms and conditions, and you are responsible for payment of all charges and related fees imposed by such entities pursuant to those terms and conditions.
There is no limit on the frequency of transactions you may make using your Starchup User Account. Starchup does not charge any fees to its Users in connection with such transactions.
Failed Transactions. In the event that Starchup is unable to successfully charge any linked payment instrument, Starchup will notify you via email and/or in-App notification, and you will be unable to initiate further payments with your User Account. Upon Starchup’s notification to you of such failure, you agree to link a new, valid payment instrument within three (3) business days. Your Starchup User Account will be disabled until a valid payment instrument is provided and the outstanding uncharged balance is resolved by Starchup. Starchup is not responsible for any charges imposed by the issuer of your payment instrument(s) as a result of any failed charge by Starchup. To the extent that Starchup is unable to successfully charge any payment instrument linked to your User Account as payment for authorized transactions for more than thirty (30) days, you understand and agree that Starchup may employ a collection agency or other business in an effort to collect any outstanding debts and fees associated with your User Account, and you will not contest the use of a third party to collect the debt and fees owed to Starchup. You agree that you will be responsible for any legal, court, arbitration or collection agency fees associated with rectifying your account and all monies owed thereunder. You agree that Starchup, or any agency or business employed by Starchup, has the right to contact you and your heirs via telephone, email or in-person using the information you provided upon registration or during any contact with Starchup, in an effort to collect any monies and fees owed under your account, whether specifically referenced in these User Terms or not, and such contact may be made in a manual or automated fashion.
Prohibited Transactions. The Starchup Service may be used only for the bona fide purchase and exchange of goods and/or services offered in the ordinary course of a merchant’s business, and may not be used to process a payment or otherwise transfer money between two parties that is unrelated to a purchase of a product or services. The Starchup Service may not be used for transactions in which you request cash back from the merchant. Starchup reserves the right to decline any attempted transaction if it appears that any of these User Terms have been violated.
Debit/Credit Card Statements. Starchup charges to your authorized payment instrument(s) may appear on your statement from the card issuing institution as “STARCHUP” followed by an identifier related to the Starchup merchant partner at which the transaction occurred, and as explained above, may appear as a single charge for the aggregate amount of multiple individual transactions. You agree not to knowingly falsely report such charges as fraudulent or unauthorized claims to your payment instrument issuing institution. A knowingly false report of a fraudulent or unauthorized charge shall be grounds for Starchup, in its discretion, to cancel your User Account, and seek any other remedies available to Starchup.
5. Consent to Electronic Disclosures and Notices; Paper Copies
By accepting these User Terms, and/or by checking the box titled “Join,” “Sign Up,” “Log In,” or any similar requested acknowledgement in connection with the notice: “By tapping above [or below] you agree to Starchup’s Terms & Conditions,” or “By tapping above [or below] you agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy,” or similar notice, which you hereby adopt as your electronic signature, you agree that Starchup will provide you these User Terms, and all other applicable terms, as well as all disclosures, notices, transaction receipts, transaction authorizations, and transaction statements required by law, and other information about your Starchup User Account and legal rights and duties (“Disclosures”), electronically by posting it on our website, to the email address associated with your User Account, and/or through in-App messaging.
Your electronic signature on this Agreement, and any other agreements and documents, has the same effect as if you signed them in ink. You agree that electronic Disclosures and notices have the same meaning and effect as if Starchup had provided you with paper copies, whether or not you choose to view the Disclosures. Such Disclosures and notices are considered received by you within 24 hours of the time posted to our website, or emailed or messaged to you.
In order to access and retain the electronic Disclosures you will need, and represent that you have, the following: (i) a computer or mobile device with an Internet connection; (ii) a current web browser that includes 128-bit encryption, and has cookies enabled; (iii) a valid email address associated with your User Account (if you use a spam filter that blocks or re- routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you agree to white-list all emails from the @starchup.com domain to your email address book); and (iv) sufficient storage space to save past Disclosures and/or an installed printer to print them.
You have a right to receive Disclosures in paper form. If you wish to receive a paper copy of any Disclosure, or any transaction receipt, you may request a copy of the Disclosure or receipt within 180 days of the date of the Disclosure or receipt. Starchup will provide paper copies free of charge. Requests to receive any paper copy, or to withdraw your consent to future electronic Disclosures, may be made by mailing a written request to 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL 60654. We will provide a replacement copy of your receipt within ten (10) business days. Requests to cancel your consent to future electronic Disclosures will be completed in a reasonable time. Starchup reserves the right to terminate your Starchup User Account if you withdraw consent to future electronic Disclosures. You may update the information required to contact you electronically by logging into a Starchup App or to the Starchup website.
6. Fraudulent or Unauthorized Transactions; Lost Devices
If any transaction Disclosure received by you appears incorrect, or was unauthorized or fraudulent, you shall notify Starchup immediately, including by clicking on a link included in the email transaction receipt, thereby flagging the transaction, or by contacting Starchup directly (24/7) at:
Starchup Support Team info@starchup.com 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL 60654 Regular Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Eastern Time
Lost Devices. In the event that you lose any mobile device on which a Starchup App linked to your User Account is installed, or otherwise learn that your User Account password is compromised (“Lost Device”), you shall notify Starchup immediately by contacting info@starchup.com.
Starchup Security; Reporting Requirements. Starchup implements a variety of methods, and proprietary protocols, to protect you from bad actors who may attempt to access and make fraudulent charges using your Starchup User Account. Because we are confident in these measures, we generally will not seek to recover from you reimbursement for any fraudulent charges made using your User Account. There are, of course, limits to this policy, which depend upon how quickly you notify us of a fraudulent activity:
  1. If Starchup confirms that a transaction(s) reported by you was an unauthorized or fraudulent use of your User Account, and if: (i) the first such unauthorized transaction was reported to Starchup within two (2) business days of a transaction receipt; or (ii) in the case of a Lost Device, the Lost Device was reported within two (2) business days of the loss; Starchup will reimburse you for the amount of any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions charged to your payment instrument.
  2. If you fail to notify Starchup of a fraudulent or unauthorized transaction using your Starchup User Account within two (2) business days of a transaction receipt, or in the case of a Lost Device, within two (2) business days of the Lost Device, you will be responsible for the fraudulent or unauthorized charges in an amount limited to the lesser of: (i) $500; OR (ii) the sum of either $50 or the amount of the fraudulent use during the initial two (2) days (whichever is less), AND the sum of all fraudulent or unauthorized activity after the initial two (2) days prior to your notification to Starchup. You authorize Starchup to submit to your payment instrument(s) such charges up to that limited amount.
  3. If you fail to notify Starchup of a fraudulent or unauthorized transaction using your User Account within sixty (60) business days of a transaction receipt, or in the case of a Lost Device, within sixty (60) business days of the Lost Device, you will be responsible for all fraudulent or unauthorized charges after the sixty (60) day period, and authorize Starchup to submit such charges to your payment instrument(s).
  4. In the event that the state in which you established your User Account provides for lower limitations on liability for fraudulent use, such limitation shall apply in place of these provisions.
Issuing Institutions. To the extent that the security of your payment instrument(s) is compromised in an event having no relation to the Starchup platform (for example, your wallet is stolen), and your payment instrument is linked to another User Account, your liability for any fraudulent transactions will be determined by your agreement with the institution that issued your payment instrument.
User Fraud. If Starchup determines that you have engaged in any fraudulent use of the Starchup platform, or use in violation of these User Terms, in addition to its rights to recover of any monies required to remedy such fraudulent use, Starchup shall impose a fee of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each investigation by Starchup that results in a confirmation of such violation of these User Terms. By registering for a Starchup User Account, you agree to all additional fees and penalties that Starchup may impose in the event Starchup deems your use of the Starchup platform to be in breach of these User Terms, including without limitation the immediate termination of your Starchup User Account.
7. Privacy, Security, and User Data
Starchup takes care to protect your privacy and security.
Payment Instrument Security. Starchup is 100% compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI- DSS”). Starchup will never share your payment instrument information with any person other than as necessary to process the payments you authorize. Starchup does not store your payment instrument information on Starchup’s servers. Rather, we partner with Braintree Payment Services, LLC (“Braintree”), a globally respected payment gateway, to leverage its secure vault solutions for all payment instrument storage. All data sent to Starchup’s servers is encrypted and our servers are protected by industry standard measures. By leveraging Braintree for storage, we are able to add another powerful layer of security to Starchup.
No Access to Financial Information. Starchup Apps, and any software applications or websites that you may authorize to access your User Account, are not able, or authorized, to capture or store your financial account information provided to Starchup, or details of your linked payment instruments, including on your mobile device, without your expressly granted permission. You should never be asked by any merchant to disclose your financial account information, or your payment instrument information, or to provide any other sensitive information such as your Social Security number, in connection with any Starchup transaction. If you are asked for such information, you should report the incident to Starchup immediately.
Grant of Permissions to User Data to Starchup. As a condition of your use of the Starchup payments platform, you authorize Starchup to capture, store, and use, securely, information concerning the use of your Starchup User Account and your transactions at all merchants (“User Data”). Starchup uses this User Data, in accordance with the permissions granted by you and Starchup’s Privacy Policy, primarily in order to ensure compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations concerning your payments, to provide the Services (analytics, transaction receipts, awarding and redeeming User Credit) set forth in these User Terms, including in collaboration with Braintree, and to provide Services to our Starchup merchant partners that accept Starchup. By agreeing to these User Terms, you grant Starchup all rights to collect, retain, share, and use User Data for any purpose.
No Sharing of Email Address. Except as specifically authorized by you pursuant to these User Terms, Starchup will never share your email address with any third party, other than the partners using the Starchup Platform to provide you with services.
Grant of Permissions to User Data to App Provider. By agreeing to these User Terms in connection with your download of a Starchup App, or by signing into an App using your existing Starchup User Account, you also agree to grant the following permissions to the App and the entity identified as the App provider: creating orders, claiming campaigns, providing access for you manage your account information (such as basic info and default funding sources) within the App, viewing credit at nearby locations and other account related permissions. By signing into an App with your Starchup User Account, you also authorize the App provider the use of your email address, in accordance with the provider’s own privacy policy.
Grant of Additional Permissions. When you connect to the Starchup platform via the use of a third-party website or software application, you will be asked to grant certain specified permissions to the provider of such third-party website or software, including for example to access your User Account, create orders for your account, and read your transaction history. Starchup App providers may also request new or additional permissions from you in the future. Such parties may condition the download, and/or continued use of a website, software application, or Starchup App upon your grant of certain additional specified permissions. The decision to grant such permissions is in the sole discretion and responsibility of the User. You understand and agree that Apps, software applications, and websites provided by third parties that request access to your User Account are not controlled by Starchup. You should investigate diligently any party requesting permissions in your User Account before agreeing to grant such access. The permissions granted by you to Starchup, any App provider, or any third-party software or website provider, may not be transferred to any other entity without your approval. Any permissions granted by you to any party continue to be subject to Starchup’s Privacy Policy.
Revocation or Permissions. You may revoke permissions granted to a Starchup App or any software application or website at any time by logging in to the Starchup website at https://www.starchup.com
8. Third Party Websites and Starchup Apps
The Starchup Apps and/or Starchup website may contain links to third party apps or websites. In some cases, Starchup Apps (meaning applications, sites, or software that you may use or download that have the ability to access the Starchup platform on your behalf, with your permission) are provided and maintained by third parties. You may also be offered services, products and promotions provided by third parties as part of your use of any Starchup App.
A Starchup App’s access to the Starchup platform, or link to a third party site or App within a Starchup App, does not imply endorsement of, sponsorship of, or affiliation with the linked site or third party Starchup App by Starchup. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any transaction with any of these third parties or granting permissions for any Starchup App to access any of your User Data, or otherwise act on your behalf, within the Starchup platform. Starchup is not responsible for any claims, liabilities, losses, or damages suffered by you in connection with your use of a third party Starchup App, site, or service, in connection with the Starchup platform.
9. Ideas Submitted to Starchup; User Content
User Ideas. Starchup is pleased to hear from you and welcomes your comments about the Starchup platform. If you submit ideas or suggestions for the Starchup platform (“Comments”), you agree that all Comments will be deemed, and will remain, non-confidential and the sole property of Starchup, without compensation to you. None of the Comments will be subject to any fiduciary obligation or obligation of confidence on the part of Starchup, and Starchup will not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Comments. Without limiting the foregoing, Starchup will be entitled to unrestricted use and other exploitation of the Comments for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, by any means, by any media, without compensation to the provider, author, creator or inventor of the Comments.
User Content. Starchup Apps and/or Starchup’s websites may include areas in which you or other registered Users can create, post, send or store messages, materials, data, information, text, music, sound, photos, video, graphics, applications, tags, code, links or other items or materials (“User Content”). By using Starchup Apps and/or websites, you agree not to post, upload, transmit, distribute, store, create or otherwise publish any of the following:
  1. User Content that personally identifies sensitive information about yourself or another person (including, but not limited to, information that relates to health or medical conditions, Social Security numbers, credit cards, bank accounts or other financial information, Starchup User Account credentials, other information concerning trade union membership, sex life, political opinions, criminal charges or convictions, religious beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, or other sensitive matters). 
  2. User Content that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, suggestive, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, fraudulent, otherwise objectionable or that threatens our relationships with our employees, partners, customers or suppliers.
  3. User Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual or proprietary right of any party.
  4. By posting any User Content, you represent and warrant that you have the lawful right to distribute and reproduce such User Content.
  5. User Content that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your identity or affiliation with another person or entity.
  6. Spam, direct marketing communications or any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials or other forms of solicitation or commercial content.
  7. User Content that constitutes, encourages or provides instructions for a criminal offense, violates the rights of any party or that creates liability or violates any applicable local, state, national or international law.
  8. User Content that, in the sole judgment of Starchup, is objectionable, restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Services or that damages the image or rights of Starchup, other users or third parties.
  9. Starchup does not control, take responsibility for or assume liability for any User Content, nor is Starchup liable for any User conduct or any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel, omissions, falsehoods, obscenity, pornography or profanity that you may encounter.
If you become aware of User Content that you believe violates these User Terms (with the exception of copyright infringement which is addressed in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice section), you may report it by contacting Starchup at info@starchup.com. Enforcement of these User Terms pertaining to User Content is in Starchup’s sole discretion and absence of enforcement in some instances does not constitute a waiver of our right to enforce the User Terms in other instances. These User Terms shall not create a third-party right of action or any reasonable expectation or promise that the Apps or websites will not contain any content that is prohibited by these User Terms. Starchup reserves the right, and has absolute discretion, to remove, screen or edit any User Content at any time and for any reason without notice. You are solely responsible for creating backup copies and replacing any User Content you post or store at your sole cost and expense.
License to User Content. You represent and warrant to Starchup that your User Content is not subject to any confidentiality obligations and that you own and control all of the rights to the User Content or otherwise have the right to grant the rights to Starchup that you grant herein. Starchup claims no ownership or control over any User Content, except as otherwise provided herein. By submitting or posting User Content, you grant Starchup and its designees a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully-paid up and royalty free license to use, sell, reproduce, prepare derivative works, combine with other works, alter, translate, distribute copies, display, perform, publish, license or sub-license the User Content and your name and likeness in connection with such use of your User Content. By posting User Content, you hereby release Starchup and its agents and employees from any claims that such use, as authorized above, violates any of your rights and you understand that you will not be entitled to any compensation for any use of your User Content.
Recommendations. The Starchup App enables you to submit recommendations to Starchup for a business or businesses that you would like to see start accepting Starchup. Starchup appreciates your referrals and recommendations, and offers $10.00 in Starchup credit for recommendations made through the App that lead to a new business launching on Starchup (“Referral Bonus”). Starchup limits the Referral Bonus to the first twenty-five (25) Users to recommend each new business. Each Starchup User is limited to a total of ten (10) Referral Bonuses (or a total of $100 in Starchup credit).
10. Copyright Infringement; Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Starchup complies with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). If you believe that any material contained in a Starchup App or on a Starchup website infringes a copyright that you control, you may contact our Designated Agent with a notification of such infringement at the following address:
Daniel Tobon Starchup, Inc. 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL 60654 Email: info@starchup.com:
Starchup requests that any notice alleging that materials hosted by or distributed through the Services infringe intellectual property rights include the following information (17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3)): (a) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other right allegedly infringed; (b) a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed; (c) a description of the material that you claim is infringing and where it is located on the Services; (d) your address, telephone number, and email address; (e) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the materials on the Services of which you are complaining is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (f) a statement by you that the above information in your notice is accurate and that, under penalty of perjury, you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf.
Counter Notices. If material that you have posted to the Services has been removed or disabled, you may file a counter notice pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(g). To be effective, the counter notice must be a written communication sent to the designated agent address listed above that includes the following: (a) a physical or electronic signature of the subscriber; (b) identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; (c) a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; (d) your name, address, and telephone number; and (e) a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of United States District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located or, if your address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Starchup may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection 17 U.S.C. §512 (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person.
11. Suspension; Modifications and Termination
Termination by User. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by closing your Starchup User Account and ceasing to use the Starchup Services, and all Starchup Apps. Termination by Starchup. Starchup reserves the right to suspend or terminate your User Account and/or your access to the Starchup Services at any time, without notice to you, if it believes you are in breach of this Agreement, or if it believes that you are using the Starchup Services or any Starchup App in a manner harmful to Starchup, its merchants, users, or any other third party. Any such termination, suspension, or modification will terminate any Merchant or 3rd Party Credit that you rightfully earned prior to termination.
Modification of Services and Terms. Starchup reserves the right to modify the Services and Starchup Apps, any features or aspects of the Services or Apps at any time, without notice to you. Starchup may also from time to time amend, update, or change these User Terms. If Starchup does so, it will notify you by posting the amended terms on our website. You are under a continuing obligation to review the current version of these User Terms and other published Starchup policies when using the Starchup Apps and/or Services. You agree that your continued use of your Starchup User Account, the Starchup Services, or the Starchup Apps shall constitute your agreement to the User Terms as so amended. If you do not agree to the amended Terms, you must terminate your User Account and cease using the Starchup Services and Starchup Apps.
Obligations in the Event of Termination. If your Starchup User Account is terminated for any reason or no reason, you agree: (a) to continue to be bound by this Agreement, (b) to immediately stop using the Starchup Services and all Starchup Apps, (c) that the license provided by Starchup under this Agreement shall end, (d) that we reserve the right (but have no obligation) to delete all of the User Data stored by Starchup, and (e) that Starchup shall not be liable to you, or any third party, for compensation, reimbursement, or damages in connection with your use of Starchup or for termination of access to your Starchup User Account.
Sections 4-7, and 9-14, any accrued rights and remedies hereunder, including specifically Starchup’s rights to retain and use User Data and complete any authorized transactions, and any other provisions that by their nature require survival in order to be effective, shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.
12. No Warranties
The Starchup Services and Starchup Apps are provided on an “as-is” basis. Starchup does not warrant that the Services or Starchup Apps will operate error-free or without downtime. Starchup may pause or interrupt the Services at any time, and users should expect periodic downtime for updates to the Service.
You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining the computer, smartphone and other equipment you use to access the Starchup Services, and for paying for such equipment and any telecommunications charges. We are not liable for any third-party charges, or loss or damage you suffer arising from damage to equipment used in connection with use of the Starchup Services.
Starchup is not responsible for the goods and services that you purchase using the Starchup Services or any Starchup App. The providing merchant is responsible for all customer service related to those goods and services, including order fulfillment, order cancellation, returns, refunds and adjustments, rebates, functionality and warranty, technical support, and issues concerning experiences with a merchant’s personnel, policies, or processes. Starchup is also not responsible for any customer service related to your payment instrument(s).
Because we do not control the security of the Internet, or other networks you use to access the Starchup Services, Starchup is not responsible for the security of information that you choose to communicate with Starchup while it is being transmitted. Starchup is not responsible for any data lost during transmission.
13. Limitations of Liability
With respect to any unauthorized, fraudulent transaction conducted using your User Account, absent any violation of these User Terms by you, your right to reimbursement for any direct losses (i.e., losses not refunded by your payment instrument issuing entity) as set forth herein shall be your sole and exclusive right and remedy for any loss or damages incurred by you arising out of, in connection with, or relating to any fraudulent or unauthorized use of your Starchup User Account, and Starchup may condition its payment of any fraud or unauthorized use reimbursement upon your releasing Starchup from any further claims with respect thereto.
An action or proceeding relating to any claim arising out of the Starchup Services or any Starchup App must commence within the shorter of the applicable statute of limitations or one year after the cause of action has accrued.
14. Release of Claims; Indemnity
You hereby release, and agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Starchup against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, suits, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees arising in connection with or relating to: (i) your improper or illegal use of the Starchup Service or any Starchup App; (ii) your breach of any provision of this Agreement; (iii) your violation of any federal, state, or local law or regulation; (iv) any goods and services purchased with the Starchup Service; (v) any act or omission of any merchant; and/or (vi) your participation in any merchant loyalty campaign or Loyalty Credit awarded or redeemed with the Starchup Services or any Starchup App (“Damages”). Starchup reserves the right to assume the sole control of the defense and settlement of any claim, action, suit or proceeding for which you are obliged to provide indemnification hereunder. You agree to cooperate with Starchup with respect to such defense and settlement.
15. Disputes; Arbitration
Starchup seeks reasonably to attempt to resolve disputes with Users to their satisfaction. If, however, a matter arises that cannot be resolved promptly between you and Starchup, you agree that any disputes arising out of or relating to the Starchup Services, any Starchup App, or this Agreement (including, without limitation, the validity, applicability, or enforceability and scope of the agreement to arbitrate and any disputes with Starchup’s third-party licensors or merchants) shall be resolved exclusively by final and binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) under the Federal Arbitration Act and shall be conducted before a single arbiter pursuant to the applicable Rules and Procedures established by the AAA (for information on the AAA and its rules, see adr.org). You agree that the arbitration shall be held in Chicago, Illinois, unless the AAA or the arbitrator shall determine that venue in Chicago is unreasonably burdensome, in which case the AAA or the arbitrator shall select a venue that is not unreasonably burdensome to both you and us. You agree that, if the AAA shall be unavailable or decline to administer the arbitration, and the parties do not agree on a substitute, a substitute administrator or arbitrator shall be appointed by the court. This provision shall not apply to claims of patent, trademark, copyright infringement, or misappropriation of trade secrets. In addition, you or we may elect to bring an individual claim in a small claims court, but Starchup does not hereby agree to any personal jurisdiction that is otherwise lacking.
You agree that any arbitration shall not permit claims on a class, mass, representative, or private attorney general basis. You further agree that no claims of other parties may be consolidated with your or our claims in the arbitration without both your and our consent. YOU ARE WAIVING YOUR RIGHTS TO HAVE YOUR CASE DECIDED BY A JURY AND TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS, MASS, REPRESENTATIVE, PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR CONSOLIDATED ACTION AGAINST STARCHUP.
If any part of this Arbitration clause is later deemed invalid as a matter of law, then it shall be severed and the remaining portions of this section shall remain in effect, with the exception that if the preceding paragraph is deemed invalid, then this entire section shall be deemed invalid and the arbitration clause shall be void.
16. Miscellaneous Provisions
This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties as to its subject matter, and supersedes all prior written and oral representations and discussions between the parties.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of State of Illinois without reference to principles of conflicts of laws.
No delay or omission by Starchup in exercising any of its rights occurring upon any noncompliance or default by you with respect to this Agreement will impair any such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and a waiver by Starchup of any of the covenants, conditions or agreements to be performed by you will not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach thereof or of any other covenant, condition or agreement hereof contained.
Except as provided in §13 above, if any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will be reformed to be valid and enforceable while reflecting the intent of the parties to the greatest extent permitted by law. 
In no event shall Starchup be liable for any failure to comply with this Agreement to the extent that such failure arises from factors outside Starchup’s reasonable control.
The provisions of this Agreement are entered into for the benefit of Starchup, its third party licensors, and the merchants and each of them shall have the right to enforce such provisions of this Agreement, including the arbitration clause, directly against you to protect their interests. Except as stated in the preceding sentence, there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any other Starchup agreement or policy provided to you, directly or indirectly, this Agreement shall prevail on the subject matter of this Agreement. 
Effective Date of these Terms of Service: January 21, 2015
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